Get the result your client deserves!

Judges gavel on Bench

Clients Deserve The Services of a Legal Nurse Consultant


Legal Nurses Are An Integral Part of Your Legal Team

The LNC provides medical and nursing opinions as the expert on health,  illness, and injury as well as on the inner workings of the healthcare  system.  One of the major assets that we bring is the ability to educate  attorneys, jurors, plaintiffs, defendants, consumers and the judge  about complex medical issues and how they relate to each individual  case.  

As nurses we are patient advocates but as an LNC we represent and speak for the nursing profession.

We uphold standards of care for the healthcare community by identifying  meritorious cases and communicating deviations from recognized  standards, resulting in improved quality of care.

We identify fraudulent and non-meritorious claims and help to defend against them or keep them out of the system altogether.

We help to ensure that the legal system uses scientific medical and nursing information properly and without distortion.

We provide a cost effective adjunct to the litigation process.

We promote justice.